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Acid lol terd

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Q: What group on the periodic table reacts with water and air?
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Which periodic table group reacts violently with water?

halogens or alkali metals

What group on the periodic table reacts violenty with water?

Group one elements react vigorously with water.They even react when exposed to air.For example lithium reacts violently with water.

What element can be cut with a knife and reacts violently with water?

Any of the alkali metals (in group one of the periodic table)

What reactive rubidium?

it is a soft metal that reacts with water (and acid) look on left side of periodic table

What group of elements reacts vigorously with water and halogens?

All of the alkali metals, periodic column 1 excluding hydrogen in a wide form periodic table, and all but the two lightest alkaline earth elements, periodic table column 2 excluding beryllium and magnesium, have the reactivity specified by the question.

This element is the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crustand makes up more than 3 percent of the crust it reacts with water and is in the 2nd group of the periodic table this element is?

It is Neon!

Which group on the periodic table contain metals that react vigorously to water?

Alkali Earth metals are the most reactive metals on the periodic table.

Why is water not found in periodic table?

The Periodic Table is a table of elements but water is a compound.

Why isn't water a nonmetal on the periodic table?

Water isn't on the periodic table as it is a compound and only elements are on the periodic table

Does chlorine dissolve in water and how can you tell?

yes clorine dissolve in water in periodic table clorine is the 7th a group of periodic table all 7th group ( bromine iodine astatine clorine and iodine) are the collectively known as salt produsing eliments it used in sterilization of water

What family in the periodic table will explode when coming into contact with water?

group 1 or alkali metals

When metals react with water for class 8?

Very reactive metals - from group 1 and 2 of the periodic table - can react with water.