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If the colloid is metallic (e.g. silver or gold), then the current will increase, as the colloid is more conductive than plain water.

The current will strip off atoms of a donor metal (silver or gold) which will want to migrate to the opposite polarity (pos and neg), if the voltage and current are correctly set, the particle size will be small and will stay in solution and become a colloidal solution.

Tiny amounts of current is key here. In the few milliamp range.

27v - 30v DC and 5 - 20 ma is best for making a colloidal silver for example, as at such low amps, the particle size is very small, and is a true colloid.

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14y ago
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13y ago

R and M say:

Firstly wear safety goggles. I don't know why you need these, or even IF you need them, but they look funny and it's entertaining.

Secondly, make sure you have a teacher around. This is because you need supervision if you are going to be completing such a dangerous experiment. Then I don't know what you're supposed to do. If you have a teacher around, ask them. Not me.


R and M. Two girls who don't know.

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11y ago

The passage of an electric current through a conducting solution causes chemical reaction. As a result, bubbles of a gas may be formed on the electrodes. Deposits of metal may be seen on electrodes. Changes of colour of solutions may occur. The reaction would depend on what solution and electrodes are used. These are some of the chemical effects of current.

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10y ago

Either the bulb will start glowing or the magnetic needle will show deflection

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11y ago

When a strong beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution, then scattering of light is absorbed.

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