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Sometimes a chemical reaction is possible, sometimes a more complex suspension is obtained.

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Q: What happens if you mix two suspensions?
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They can be solutions or suspensions.

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Clonodine is a blood pressure medicine, isn't it? I could be wrong, if not do not mix the two, you are asking for health trouble.

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water and oil don't normally mix. there are only two ways to make water and oil mix, its either you mix them vigoriously or you apply the process of emulsification.

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Usually nothing happens except that the two elements mix in a gas phase.

What happens to a concentrated solution when a large amount of solvent is added to it?

No, suspensions and solutions are two different things. In a solution, the particles break down into molecules, and the molecules are broken down into ions, and these mix and bond with the molecules of the solvent. In a suspension, the particles remain exactly as they are, floating in the fluid.

What happens if you mix hot water with cold water?

You get water at a temperature somewhere between the two.