

What happens to atoms when burning?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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It depends on what you mean by "burning". I believe that when most people use the term "burning", they are referring to things like a wood fire, or a gasoline fire. In such settings, I believe that even though the chemical bonds between atoms are destroyed, the atoms themselves remain fundamentally unaltered. However, the term "burning" can be used to refer to the processes of nuclear fission and fusion. In the former, atoms are "split apart" in the burning process. In the latter, atoms crash together and "stick", thereby creating new, more complex atoms.

I am not an expert in this area, so please do not take this answer as definitive.

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The atoms combine with the atoms of oxygen from the air to form oxides

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Respiration an combustion in our body. They are common examples where burning happens in every day life

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