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they are absorbed, depositing their energy in whatever absorbed them.

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Q: What happens to beta alpha and gamma radiation after they are emitted?
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Related questions

What are the three major forms of emitted radiation?

The three major forms of emitted ionizing radiation are Alpha, Beta and Gamma.

What type of radiation alpha beta or gamma is emitted by thorium-230?

alpha particles.

What kind of radiation is emitted from protactinium?

Protactinium-231 emit alpha particles, gamma radiations, X-rays.

How many radiations are emitted by uranium?

Uranium-238 emits alpha radiation; its half-life is 4,468×109 year.

What radiation is given off by a nuclear bomb?

prompt (at time of explosion) - neutron, gamma, x-ray, UV, visible, thermal (IR), some radio.delayed (fallout) - beta, gamma, some alpha.Types of radiation called "ionizing radiation" - alpha, beta, gamma, x-ray, neutron.

What is the radiation type for alpha?

Alpha (and beta) radiation is "particle radiation" Gamma is electro-magnetic radiation.

Which of the following is not a component of the radiation emitted by a radioactive sample a.alpha radiation radiation c.gamma radiation d.beta radiation?

Radioactive substances can emit alpha particles, gamma radiation (gamma rays) and beta radiation (beta particles). What they do not emit is delta radiation.It causes transmutation.It has a mass of 4 amus.

What type of radiation is emitted by molybdenum-99?


Gamma radiation is it safe to inject into a human but alpha particles would be very dangerous?

Generally no radiation is safe. You cannot "inject" radiation into anything because it is the product of various unstable nuclei decaying. Alpha radiation is much more ionising than gamma, but much less penetrating than it. That makes it more dangerous if it is inside your body; it can be stopped by skin. Therefore you would have to swallow a sample of a radioactive material. However, gamma radiation is always emitted together with alpha or beta radiation.

What is the change in the atomic number when an atom emits gamma radiation?

The atomic number does not change when gamma radiation is emitted.

What type of radiation is emitted from Iridium-192?

The radiation emited is gamma ray

When U-238 decays to th-234 what has been emitted?

When U-238 decays to Th-234, an alpha particle is emitted. An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons, and is essentially a helium nucleus.