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I think you are talking about electroNEGATIVITY. It increases as move from left to right and increases from bottom to top. Check out Fluorine, it has the highest electronegativity, about 4.00

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The number of electrons increase when the atomic number increase.

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Q: What happens to electrons when you move from left to right across a period?
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What do you notice about the number of valence electrons as you move from left to right across a row or period?

The number of valence electrons increases from left to right across a period.

How do the number of electrons change across the period of elements?

they get more electrons the farther right the get

How the tendency change to gain electrons from left to right across a period?

Increases on moving left to right

What happens to size of atoms while moving across the period?

Atomic Radius Decreases from left to right. From left to right the amount of valence shell electrons increases, maxing out at 8. These valence electrons are pulled by the positively charged nucleus, thus making it smaller from left to right.

What happens to an atom's size as you move from left right across a period?

Atomic Radius Decreases from left to right. From left to right the amount of valence shell electrons increases, maxing out at 8. These valence electrons are pulled by the positively charged nucleus, thus making it smaller from left to right.

What happens to the reactivity of left to right across the periodic table?

Across a period, as we move from left to right, the electronegativity increases in the periodic table.

How will the tendency to gaining electrons changes as you move from right to left in periodic table?

as you move across a period, you are more and more likely to gain electrons

Why does the trend in electronegativey of elements across a period increase from left to right?

It increases from left to right across a period because as electrons are added to the same energy level, and the closer an atom gets to having an octet of electrons, the easier it is for the atom to attract electrons from other atoms, either through ionic bonding or covalent bonding.

What happens to ionization energy as you move across a period?

Because energy is required to remove an electron from a neutral atom, it increases up and right. It increases up a group and to the right a period because in small atoms, electrons are closer to the nucleus were the attraction is stronger. So these are harder to remove. But in larger atoms, electrons are further from the nucleus and are easier to remove. I learned this in my Chemistry class this year. Hope this helps anyone.

What is the trend of valence electrons across each period?

The number of valence electrons increases as you go across a period. For example in period 2 the number of valence electrons rises from 1 in Li up to 8 in neon.

What happens to the reactivity of metals from left to right across the perriodic table?

Elements become less reactive as you move from left to right across the periodic table. This is due to how many valence electrons (outer-most electrons) the element has; the less valence electrons, the more reactive the element.

As you move across a period of the periodic table from left to right what happens to the number of protons contained by each element?

I hate Chemistry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The number of protons increases as you go across a period.