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Stripping an atom of all its protons and electrons is not possible. It would just be a core.

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Q: What happens to glucose when it has been stripped of all its protons and electrons?
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Inside the sun, electrons are stripped from the protons by the sun´s intense heat.

What are the subunits?

For example glucose.

Where in the mitochondrion do protons accumulate?

In the outer lumen and they are stripped from the derivatives of glucose along with electrons used in electron transport. Protons are moved across the inner membrane of the mitochondria by the action of electrons moving down the electron chain where the final acceptor is oxygen. The protons build up a concentration and move back down their concentration gradient through ATP synthase and produce said ATP.

What happens to an atom when it has 8 electrons?

It has 8 electrons. And if its not an ion, then it has 8 protons.

What happens if a particle has less protons than electrons?

The atom will become negatively charged (protons are positive and electrons are negative.)

What is the smallest particle in a glucose?

There are so many particles in a glucose molecule! The smallest atom is the hydrogen atom, but the hydrogen atom is made out of protons, neutrons, and electrons, the smallest being electrons. Who knows what electrons are made out of?

How many protons and electrons does glucose have?

6 carbon, 12 hydrogen and 6 oxygen molecules.

What happens to the protons in the atomic nuclei and the degenerate electrons that were inside the star that creates a neutron star?

The protons and electrons fuse to form neutrons.

What happens if the elements have different protons and electrons?

A neutral atom of a chemical element has a constant number of protons and electrons; loss or gain of electrons transform this atom in an ion.After the change of the number of protons the identity of the atom is lost.

What happens when chlorophyll absorps a proton?

They are not absorbing protons. They absorb only electrons.

What do electrons do to the nucleus?

Electrons orbits around the nucleus, which have neutrons and protons. When there is an imbalance of protons and electrons, it creates a static electricity. What I am trying to say is, nothing really special happens.

How many protons and electrons are in phosphorus?

15 electrons and 15 protons