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dont know but i tested it out and it bubbles and fizzing happens.

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11y ago

When a chemical base is combined with an acid, the two chemicals undergo a chemical reaction. This creates a new chemical with a pH differing from both of the two original chemicals.

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Q: What happens when a chemical base is combined with an acid?
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What happens if base and acid combined?

neutral salt will form.

What happens when a Brønsted-Lowry acid and a Brønsted-Lowry base are combined in a neutralization reaction?

The acid donates protons to the base to form the products.

What are Acid-base reaction?

Acid-base reactions are chemical reactions that occur only between an acid and a base. These are examples of single-displacement reactions. An acid is loosely described as something, whether it be an element or a compound, combined with hydrogen to form a (larger) compound. A base is loosely described as a compound or element combined with OH (Hydroxide). An acid-base reaction always yields H2O.

What happens during a chemical reaction that involves an acid and a base?

it gets a liquid out

What happens if you mix an acid and a base together?

Well, Vinegar is an acid and Baking Soda is a base and when you mix those two you get a Chemical reaction and that is what happens when you mix any acid and base you get a chemical reaction.

What is the chemical reaction that happens when you mix an acid with a base?

This is a neutralization reaction; the product is a salt.

What forms a neutralization reaction an acid or a base?

A nuetralization reaction is when an acid and a base is combined

How does acid form into hydrogen a chemical propertie?

by electrolysis of acid . And it also happens during acid base reaction. During reaction the hydrogen in acid gets free. And it forms the salt.

What happens to an acid or a base in a water solutions?

In water solutions an acid or a base is diluted depending on the amount of water. But when water is added with an acid or base it also undergoes a condition called chemical equilibrium. For more information on chemical equilibrium check some more wikianswers or look it up on google :L

What do you get when a acid and base are combined?

A salt and usually water.

The reaction that occurs when an acid and base are combined is?


What will happen when an acid of low pH is combined with some base of high pH in a test tube?

when acid reacts with a base it will be a base