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ethanoic acid is formed

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Q: What happens when ethanol is heated in presence of concentrated H2SO4?
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There is formation of ethoxy ethane. (ether)

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copper sulphate and hydrogen is released.

What happens when white phosphorus is heated with concentrated sodium hydroxide?

A gas is generated which undergoes spontaneous combustion in the atmosphere.

What are the products when ethyl alcohol is heated?

Ethanol when heated with presence of AlCl3 as a catalytic amount undergoes dehydation as result a loss of water giving ethene gas as a major product. This is a simple way of making gaseous alkenes like ethene. If ethanol vapour is passed over heated aluminum oxide powder, the ethanol is essentially cracked to give ethene and water vapour. To make a few test tubes of ethene, you can use this apparatus:

What happens to molecules in a heated fluid?

Molecules will rapidly spread apart and move in every direction in the presence of a heated fluid, and tightly bunch up in cooler fluids.

Why the ethanol heated in a water bath instead of being heated directly?

Because it is inflammable

Why water bath must be used while heating ethanol and acetone?

A water bath must be used while heating ethanol and acetone because the temperatures at which they can be heated might break the container they are heated in. Some metals are also heated this way.

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