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When you put lemon juice on a piece of paper, then place the paper on a heat source, the parts soaked with the juice will burn faster and turn a dark brown.

This chemical reaction is based upon the properties that define acids and bases. The paper with the acid lemon juice is weakened by the acid, and will burn faster.

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Q: What happens when you burn a paper with lemon juice on it?
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Does lemon juice make lips smaller?

No. Lemon juice actually might burn them and certainly will dry them out.

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Invisible ink was invented by Benjamin Franklin and is currently used in government documents as a secret code. Benjamin Franklin used lemon juice as the first invisible ink. The acid in the lemon juice weakens the paper where it has been spread. Therefore, if the paper is held over a candle or another heat source, the area where the lemon juice was spread will burn more easily. This will reveal the placement of the lemon juice.

How long does it take for lemon juice to lighten your armpits?

Lemon juice won't make your arm pits lighter and if you shave them first it will burn. If you use lemon juice all you will have is a lemony smell.

How many calories are in a glass of lemon water?

Lemon juice doesn't burn calories if you drink it.

How do you clear popped zits?

Lemon juice. Rub lemons on your zits... it will burn but its worth it

Is lemon juice dangerous?

yes, because it is sour and if it spills on your eyes or something it will burn.

Does citrus burn?

If you have a cut in your finger, and say, you squeeze lemon juice on the cut, IT WILL HURT!

Is apple cider vinegar safe to drink if lemon juice is?

it might burn though

How do you burn the edges of a piece of paper?

To burn the edges of a piece of paper without burning your house down you will need:1 lighterLemon JuicePaperA sink or bowl of waterBrown inkPut lemon juice on the edges of the paper so it covers 2.5 inches (6.41 cm) if you have plain paper. If you have writing on it put lemon juice so it ends right before the writing.Turn on lighter and carefully put move it across the edges ( If paper catches on fire put it in the sink or bowl full of water unless you can blow it out)Take the brown ink and slide it across the surface of the paper.IT IS FABULOUS AND WORKS LIKE A CHARM!By, Kenzie

Does lemon juice burn calories?

Lemons contain high doses of vitamin C which, according to a 2007 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition by researchers at Arizona State University, could decrease fat deposits and waist circumference. But no matter how hot lemon juice is, lemon juice simply cannot break down fats."A simple lemon water can be made with either fresh squeezed lemon or bottled juice. The balance of juice to water should be prepared by taste. Add honey for desired sweetness.People with a citrus allergy, heartburn, kidney and gall-bladder problems, and children under the age of 4 should not drink lemon juice. Never drink the juice undiluted. The high acid content of lemon juice can damage the enamel of your teeth.

Why does lemon water burn my throat?

Lemon water shouldn’t normally burn the throat. You may have a sore throat. Another idea is that you might be allergic to lemon, if lemon normally doesn’t burn your throat.

How do you make your hair blonde with lemons?

You don't. If you have Brown or Black hair it will not get blond with lemon juice. Second of all, don't pour lemon juice on your head. It has acid and will burn your scalp resulting to loss of hair (hair falling off your head) Grab a brush, dip it in some freshly squeezed lemon juice and brush it on your hair. Not your scalp. Only works if you have med-brown hair, and will not go blond. It will probably be a tint lighter.