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Q: What has 4 electrons in energy level n3?
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How many electrons fill the 3rd energy level?

In the 3rd energy level, there can be a maximum of 4 electrons.

What element has three electrons in energy level n 4?

Gallium is the element has three electrons in energy level n = 4.

How many electrons are in the outermost energy level of carbon and how many does it need to have this energy level filled?

Carbon has four electrons in the outermost energy level, which is energy level two. It needs eight electrons to have this energy level filled.

How many electrons does carbon have in the highest energy level?

The valance energy level contains 4 electrons in carbon.

How many electrons are in the third energy level of oxygen?

There is no third energy level of oxygen, there is only two. The second energy level has 6 electrons.

Number of energy level electrons copper has?

2, 8, 18, 1 electrons in each energy level with a total of 4 energy levels.

How many electrons will carbon have in its first energy level?

carbon has 2 electrons in its first energy level and 4 in its secound energy level because carbons atomic number is 6. 4+2=6.

What liquid non metal has the same energy level of calcium?

Calcium has electrons in the 4th energy level. The only liquid that has valence electrons in energy level 4 would be BROMINE.

What is the number energy level of gold?

A gold atom has 6 energy levels. Level 1: 2 electrons Level 2: 8 electrons Level 3: 18 electrons Level 4: 32 electrons Level 5: 18 electrons Level 6: 1 electron

How many electrons does carbon have in its outermost energy level?


What is the number of electrons in the higher energy level of carbon?


How many electrons can an atom's fourth outer energy level contain?

The fourth outer energy level of an atom can contain a maximum of 32 electrons. This is because each energy level can hold a maximum of 2n^2 electrons, where n is the principal quantum number of the energy level. In this case, the fourth energy level has a principal quantum number of 4, so it can hold 2(4^2) = 32 electrons.