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Q: What holds atoms together in a biological molecule?
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What holds the atoms in a molecule of methane together?

Elmer's Glue.

What holds two atoms in a hydrogen molecule?

The two hydrogen atoms in a hydrogen molecule are held together by a covalent bond.

What holds the atoms molecule together?

Bonds hold atoms together. There are hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and covalent bonds.

What kinds of bond holds together atoms within a molecule?

Covalent Bonds

What kind of bonds holds atoms together in a water molecule?

A Polar Covalent bond

Do covalent holds two compounds together?

A covalent bond is between atoms in a molecule.

What kinds of bonds holds atoms in water molecule together?

A Polar Covalent bond

What type of molecule holds the nitrogen has?

The nitrogen molecule consists of two atoms of nitrogen held together by "covalent" bonds.

What type of bond holds the phosphorus and oxygen atoms together in this molecule of ATP?

double covalent bonds

The building blocks for this molecule are?

ANSWER: You are absolutely right: All molecules are made up of tiny atoms. ... This happens because of the formation of bonds between the atoms, which holds them together to make a molecule.

How does a covalently bonded molecule holds itself together?

Covalent bonds are formed by atoms sharing valence electrons.

What type bond holds the the hydrogen atoms together in a single water molecule?

The chemical bond in water is covalent.