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The energy level the electron is in

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Arianna Blick

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2y ago
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The first quantum number, the principal quantum number (n), gives information about the main energy level (or shell) of an electron in an atom. It indicates the average distance of the electron from the nucleus.

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Q: What information does the first quantum of an electron give?
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What information does the first quantum number of an electron give?

The energy level the electron is in

What information does the first quantum number if an electron give?

The first quantum number, known as the principal quantum number (n), provides information about the energy level or shell in which an electron is located in an atom. It indicates the distance of the electron from the nucleus, with larger values of n corresponding to higher energy levels farther from the nucleus.

What information does the third quantum number of an electrons give?

The Specific orbital the electron is in

What information does the second quantum number of an electrons give?

The type of orbital the electron is in.

What does the third quantum number of an electron give?

The Specific orbital the electron is in

What information does the third quantum number of electron give?

The specific orbital the electron is in

How can you apply quantum numbers to real life?

Quantum numbers are actually the most interesting part of chemestry that our used to find the exact position of an electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom...lets take an example......someone with whom you are chating online wants to send you a parcel and so he asks you your ll first give your state`s name then the city and further your house no. ,colony etc. so in a way your residential address helps an unknown person track you.Similarly an electron orbiting a nucleus is designated or tracked with the help of quantum nos.....

How many electrons have quantum numbers values n l m?

In theory, the number of electrons with each quantum number is not limited. However, for any given "main quantum number" (n), the number of electrons having the other quantum numbers is limited - but it depends on the value of "n". For more information, the Wikipedia article on "quantum number" seems to give a good overview.

Who used quantum mechanics to describe the location of the electron?

Max Born was the first to note that the Schroendinger Equation (SE) -- ONE way to approach quantum mechanics -- could be used to accurately predict the PROBABILITY of an electron being at a specific location, given that the electron was in a specific energy field that was well-defined for all locations. For example, the SE for a single electron, in its lowest state around a positive nucleus, shows (after a LOT of math) that the electron is MOST likely at a distance of one Bohr Radius from that nucleus. Born was the first to note that quantum mechanics could never say EXACTLY where the electron was at any one time, but that it could very accurately determine the PROBABILITY that it was at a specified point. Very ironically, Schroendinger himself never really accepted Born's idea. Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, & Pascual Jordan developed an alternate approach to quantum mechanics that used operators and matrix mechanics to give eigenvalues for variables such as position. It was FAR more complicated than the SE, but also has more application. Heisenberg was soon able to show that the SE and the approach he & his colleagues developed were essentially the same.

Who give the name electron as an electron?


Can you give me information on the origin of the computer?

ENIAC was the first computer.

How does light reflect of objects?

A photon is absorbed by an electron and then it is emmited to a different direction. Quantum electrodynamics can give you a better answer to your question. There is a book i have read recently called QED: The strange theory of light and matter which is a collection of Feynmann's lectures on QED that everyone can understand without knowing maths or quantum mechanics, and can explain very well how light and electrons interact.