

What is 0.200 mol of C9H8O4?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Without giving a desired measurement or unit, the question is its own answer.

I guess normally you'd like that in grams:

mass = mol*mr ((where mol = 0.2 moles) and (mr = 180 g mol-1))

0.2*180 = 36g

All I have EVER done to work these out is remember (mols = mass/mr). Rearrange it for what you need. It's a pathetic, tiny equation that you could probably teach to a dog. Just be sensible with your units.

Sidenote for others: C9H8O4 is the chemical formula of what most call 'Aspirin'.

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Q: What is 0.200 mol of C9H8O4?
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