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Muriatic acid is a (concentrated) solution of Hydrogen chloride, which is a GAS (at STP). So it is not a liquid itself and certainly NOT a DRY solid!

Properties of concentrated muriatic or hydrochloric acid (HCl in water):

Density 1.18 g/cm3 at concentration (variable) value for assay 36-38% w/w

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Q: What is 1Lt of muriatic acid equivalent to in dry acid?
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Is muriatic acid a dry acid?

Muratic acid is hydrogen chloride (HCl) dissolved in water and sold as a liquid

Which is better to use to lower Total Alkalinity level Muriatic Acid or pH Minus?

I tried both types of acid. The pH Minus (dry acid) and then the muriatic acid. I did not have much luck at all with the total alkalinity (TA) dropping with the dry acid. When I used the muriatic acid the TA dropped within a couple of days. So to answer your question I'd have to say the muriatic acid. It is much cheaper ($12 a case) at Leslie's Pool Supply and probably cheaper other places. The muriatic acid was also quicker and had better results.

What is dry acid for pools?

You can add dry acid to your pool when your pH is above 7.8

How do you lower pH levels in a inground pool?

Add acid, Muriatic acid works best but Dry Acid is also used.

How do you get pH lower in the pool without chemicals?

use either muriatic acid or dry acid (sodium bisulfate)

How do you prepare and stain an existing interior concrete floor?

Apply muriatic acid to dry surface (good ventilation a must). This removes stains and oils. (Note: if you plan on using an acid stain, DO NOT clean with muriatic acid, since this will make acid staining impossible). Rinse and dry. Apply sodium hydroxide (10% solution) to neutralize remaining acid. Rinse and dry. Ready for your choice of floor treatment. Recommend a urethane sealant first, to prevent moisture absorbed in concrete from coming up under the coating you finish with.

What are the alternatives to using muriatic acid to lower the PH in a swimming pool?

There are 3 principal chemicals for lowering pH: muriatic acid, sodium bisulfate (dry acid) & CO2. If this is a commercial application then CO2 may be a viable source. The sodium bisulfate is dry acid which when mixed with water makes liquid acid but does not have the odor. Muriatic acid and sodium bisulfate both lower total alkalinity at hte same time as lowering the pH. CO2 may raise total alkalinity at the same time as lowering pH. The total alkalinity is important to have a stable pH which in turn is important to have a relatively constant pH for the proper effectiveness of the sanitizer (chlorine) Any other questions feel free to email me direct. Steve Dunn Commmercial Pool Systems, Inc.

What can you use to increase acid in swimming pool?

Muriatic acid is the preferred chemical. You can also use dry acid (sodium bisulfate, pH down)) which is a bit easier to use but does increase sulfates, which can be detrimental to plaster surfaces, can foul salt cells, and is much more expensive to use.

Where to store muriatic acid?

Where to Get Muriatic AcidMost pool stores carry this kind of liquid acid. If not they all carry "Dry Acid" of "Sodium Bisulfate". Each pound of Sodium Bisulfate is the same as using 10 ounces of Muriatic Acid in pool water. Here are more opinions and answers from other FAQ Farmers:You can usually find Muriatic acid at Home Depot next to all the pool supplies.I buy Muratic Acid at Albertson's Grocery store believe it or not.I heard from pool dealer that this product is very toxic try Lo'n Slo from Bioguard instead.Loon in the paint section of hardware and lumber stores. It is not toxic to the pool.Here's the cheapest way: go to a pool store and buy pH decrease. 10 parts water to 1 part decrease.I get my acid from a dealer dealing with cleansers such as bleach, dishsoap etc. Muriatic acid is the best and easiest way to reduce pH levels, but it has many other uses to.You can buy muriatic acid in the Outside Garden section near the pool supplies at any of the Home Depot stores.

How do you use the muriatic acid because I am having some problems getting rid of oak pollen stains?

When using Muriatic Acid it's important to wear the proper protective gear, and have plenty of clean water on hand in case of an accident. Always pour the acid into water, and not the other way around. Wet the stones before cleaning. Dilute the acid with water. Make sure the stones are soaked with water before applying, and don't leave the acid on too long. Scrub the stains with a scrub brush. Rinse everything off, and allow to dry.

If using muriatic acid do the fumes rise or stay near the ground without air movement?

== == While the fumes of muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid - HCl) are slightly heavier than air, the oxidation reaction is highly exothermic. The acid fumes will react with things in air, and generate heat. The heat generated causes gases to rise, so muriatic acid co-oxidant gases will fill the surrounding space. Fumes also mix quickly without heat due to diffusion. A link can be found below to the Wikipedia post on hydrochloric acid. If you are using concentrated acid in still dry air the fumes will not be too bad however you should stil take care. However if you use the stuf in cool conditions especialy in the morning with mist in the air the area around you will soon become a toxic cloud of acid vapor.

Who makes the best swimming pool acid?

You know acid is pretty much acid. However there are different concentrations of dry acid. Look for something 88-100% active ingredient. 100% would be the most efficient. This is very safe to handle but cannot be effectively used to lower the Total Alkalinity. The other option is Muriatic Acid or a product call Aqua Magic. Muriatic Acid is hazardous to handle so use gloves and goggles. The Aqua Magic is safer to handle but still use gloves and goggles. This form of acid is more cost effective and can be used to lower the Total Alkalinity if necessary.