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This is a reversible reaction.

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Q: What is a change called in which the products are the same as the reactants?
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Which are the products and reactants of a chemical reaction most likely to have in common?

Input: reactants --> [ They react ] --> Output: products = what you get out of it

What holds true for a chemical change?

During a chemica change the composition of reactants is modified, new products appear.

In chemistry the state in which a chemical process and the reverse chemical process occur at the same rate such that the concentrations of reactants and products do not change is called what?


What is a change that has the same substances as reactants and products?

It is a change in state. For instance, water may undergo boiling to form water vapour. The reactants and products are chemically the same, which is H2O. Another example would be the sublimation of ammonium chloride, where it changes directly from a solid to a gas.The change from reactants to products is called as a chemical reaction. According to the key reaction involved there are several types of reactions. For example, an acid and a base undergo a neutralization reaction to produce a salt and water as products.

When substances go through a chemical change what happens to the mass'?

The total mass of products is unchanged from the total mass of the reactants, but the masses of particular substances among the reactants or products change.

What are the products and reactants of a chemical change?

The reactants are the "befores" and the products are the "afters." For example, in this chemical reaction (acid-base neutralization): HCl + NaOH -> NaCl + H2O hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are the reactants, and sodium chloride (NaCl) and water (H2O) are the products.

Why amount of reactant and product do not change in reversible reaction?

The amount of reactants and products do not change in reversible reactions because, in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed -- it is only rearranged. This is the law of conservation of matter.

What must be true about the properties of the reactants and the properties of the products in a chemical reaction?

The reactants and the products must contain the same numbers of the same types of atoms, that is, atoms with the same atomic number, and either the products must contain at least one type of chemical bond distinct from any chemical bond in the reactants or the reactants must contain at least one type of chemical bond not found in the products.

A chemical change is also called a chemical reaction?

This is true.

What is true of a dynamic equilibrium?

When the concentration of the reactants is equal to the concentration of the products and does not change over time, the system has reached dynamic equilibrium. Dynamic equilibrium means that the reaction is still occurring and does not stop. The reaction never reaches completion, because the reverse reaction is moving at the same rate as the forward reaction. The products and reactants are balanced. The reactants are producing at the same speed that the products are changing back into the reactants. When a reaction is in dynamic equilibrium, it is hard to tell that a reaction is occurring. There is no net change in the concentration of the products or reactants because both forward and reverse reactions are moving at the same rate.

A chemical reaction has not occurred if the products have?

The same chemical properties as the reactants.

1 Are the properties of reactants and products always the same or can they be different?
