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Halogens are elements found in group 7 of the Periodic Table. They are very reactive as they have seven electrons on the outer shell and are only gaining one more to stabilise. This makes them very reactive and alkali. Fluorine is the most corrosive, found at the top of group seven and astatine, the least corrosive, though is still very corrosive.

The lower down an element in group seven is, the less corrosive it is.

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Q: What is a dangerously corrosive halogens?
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What elements on the periodic table are corrosive?

The most corrosive elements on the Periodic Table are all of the halogens.

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No, bronze is an alloy it is not a corrosive material. Bronze will corrode when exposed to corrosive materials (e.g. acids, salts, oxygen, sulfur, halogens).

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it is very --------- Ions of halogens (including I-) are known as corrosive in solution; also hot iodine and vapours of some salts (ex.: CsI) are corrosive.

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When handling any if the halogens there are a few precautions which you should take. These are wearing eye protection, so that the halogens do not damage your eyes, using chlorine and bromine in fume cupboards only, because they are toxic gases, wearing chemical resistant gloves when handling liquid bromine, as it is corrosive. It is very hard to study Flourine simply because it is very dangerous. Hope that helps! from a 13yr old

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Halogens Apex ;)