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The word substance is used in chemistry to describe elements or compounds. It is used because when dealing with an unknown substance, it is important to not assign either name to it.

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The general term for any isotope is 'Nuclide'.

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Q: What is a general term for any isotope of any element?
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A general term for any isotope of any element?


What is make an atom isotope?

It is the neutron that makes changes in atomic nuclei to change them from one isotope to another. For any given element, that element will have a fixed number of protons. It is, after all, the number of protons that determine the elemental identity. But the number of neutrons in a given element can vary, and we use the term isotope to talk about which particular atom we're investigating. That is, we apply the term isotope to speak to an atom of a given element with a certain number of neutrons in its nucleus.

Why need to know the percentage of each isotope of an element to determine the atomic mass?

Because each isotope of an element has a mass different from any other isotope of the same element, and the atomic mass of an element is an average, weighted by the proportion of each isotope, in the naturally occurring element.

The number of protons and electrons found in an element?

In an atom of any isotope of any element, there is a number of protons which is similar to the number of electrons.

What differentiates an isotope of an element from any other atom of that element?

Isotopes are species of atoms having same atomic no. but different atomic masses. So an isotope has either lesser or more neutrons than the usual atom of the element ( often called the most abundant isotope).

What is an isotope and how is it determined?

An isotope is any of the atoms of an element with different numbers of neutrons. It is determined by using the atomic weight,which is determined by the number of neutrons.

The core element of any medical term is its what word?

The root is the core element of any medical term.

Can there be more than one isotope of an element example?

Yes, the number of neutrons can be any number you want it to be, however there is typically only one stable isotope of an element. Radioactive elements and those in the f-block are more likely to have more than one isotope.

How many isotopes can there be in an element?

There is no specific number; each element has another number of natural and artificial isotopes.

A term used to describe any element or compound?

A term used to describe any element or compound is called a substance or substances.

How do you estimate the number of neutrons in the atoms of an element?

The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of any isotope of an element is equal to the "atomic mass number", which is usually stated in a number immediately after a hyphen at the end of the element name in the name of the isotope, minus the atomic number. Because most elements have more than one stable isotope, the average number of neutrons in the mixture of isotopes of an element that occurs naturally is usually not an integer.

Technetium in brackets?

Any time you see the atomic mass of an element in brackets on the periodic chart, that number represents the mass number of the longest-lived or best-known isotope of that element. In other words there is no stable isotope, i.e. all forms of it are radioactive.