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Q: What is a member that keeps two components separated?
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What is the member that keeps two components separated?


What two industrial uses of distillation and what components of mixtures are separated in each use?

Separation of pure components from a mixture.

Explain two ways in which a star's real motion through space translates into motion that is observable from earth?

The star's movement in space can be separated into two components. Observation for the two components differs drastically.

Is white sugar a mixture or a substance?

Table sugar is a pure substance. It is made up of one type of molecule that cannot be separated into two or more components. Mixtures can be separated. For example, a mixture of water and sand can be separated into two components. Other examples of pure substances are diamonds, and table salt.

How can you distinguis a substance from a mixture?

Mixture is formed from two or more substances; tthese components can be separated by physical processes.

Briefly explainthe meaning of the phrase resolve a mixture of compounds?

A sample containing two or more components can be separated, or resolved.

What are some characteristics of mixtures?

A mixture contain two or more components not linked by chemical bonds; a mixture can be separated by a physical process.

What is mixing sulfur with iron fillings?

When you mix Iron filings and Sulphur crystals together, you form a mixture of Iron and Sulphur from which both the components can be separated by physical means. But if you heat the mixture strongly, then it becomes a compound of Iron Sulphide from which the two components cannot be separated by physical means.

A substance that can be separeated by physical means are known as what?

Things that can be separated by physical means are mixtures. There are two types of mixtures: homogeneous and heterogeneous. In a heterogeneous mixture, you can see the different components that make up the mixture. You can't see the components in a homogeneous mixture. Things that can only be separated by chemical means are compounds.

What between different a pure substance and a mixtures?

1. A mixture contain two or more substances. 2. A mixture can be separated in components by physical procedures.

What kind of change occurs when a compond is separated into its components?

A chemical change occurs because compound is two elements put together so when they are separated it forms a new substance.

What two liquids are separated by a member that is not permeable one liquid has a high concentration of salt the other liquid is plain water?

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