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an element

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Q: What is a substance that contains the same kind of atom?
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What does it mean when something is a pure substance?

A pure substance is an element or a compound. In the case of an element, it is composed of all the same kind of atoms. In the case of a compound, the atoms of the elements are chemically bonded in definite proportions, meaning that all samples of the same compound are chemically the samel.

What Elements contain only one type of atom?

By definition, an Element contains only one kind of atom - atoms of that element. If it has more than one kind, it is a compound, not an element.

What is the smallest piece of an element that still retains the properties of the element?

The atom. Anything smaller is an atomic particle from which all elements are made.

What is a substance containing all of the same type of adom?

what is a substance containing all of the same type of atom

True or false a molecule with more than one kind of atom will be listed on the periodic table?

The answer to this question depends on the unstated definition of "kind of atom". All atoms of one element have the same atomic number, which equals the number of protons in nuclei of the atoms. However, atoms of the same element may have different masses because of different number of neutrons in their nuclei.

Why is gold considered as an element and an atom at the same time?

An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. An atom is a single piece of an element. If you break an atom apart, you no longer have that substance.

Is potassium metal a pure substance or a mixture?

Potassium metal is a pure substance. In fact, it is an element as well. The reason potassium metal is an element is that it only contains one type of atom (all atoms of potassium have the same number of protons).

How is an ion different from an atom of the same substance?

an ion has a full "shell"

What is a pure stubstance?

a pure substance is that which contains same atoms or same molecules..

Why is a sample of matter considered a pure substance?

A pure substance is either an element or compound. Elements are composed of only one kind of atom, and compounds are composed of a definite proportion of atoms of different elements that is always the same.

What is the smallest part of a substance made from more than one atom that stilll has the same proerties of the substance is a?

It is a molecule.

A neutral atom always contains the same number of what?

protons and electrons