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Extensive (dependent on the size) and intensive (independent on the size) are terms used generally for physical properties.

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Q: What is an example of an extensive chemical property?
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Is flammability an extensive or intensive physical property?

Combustibility is a quality not a quantity so it is an intensive property.

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Reactivity is intensive property, reaction rate is extensive.

Reactivity is an example of what kind of property?

Reactivity is an example of a chemical property.

Is the volume per gram of a substance is a chemical extensive property?

If you mean gram/volume, which is density, it is an intensive property.

Which is a example of a chemical property of matter reactivity or density?

Reactivity is the chemical property.

How is burning an example of a chemical property?

Burning is an example of a chemical property because it can only be observed during a chemical reaction called combustion.

What are the two type of changes?

The two types of physical properties are intensive and extensive. Intensive properties do not depend on the amount of a substance. An example of an intensive property is density. Extensive properties do depend on the amount of a substance. An example of an extensive property is mass.

Is temperature an extensive or intensive property?

An intensive physical property does not depend on the size of the sample. An example of an intensive physical property is density. An extensive physical property does depend on the size of the sample, such as mass and volume.

Is flammabliity or density an example of chemical property?

Flammability is a chemical property.Density is a physical property.

Is ripening an example of a physical or a chemical property?

It's not a property but it is a change , a chemical change.