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Bose-Einstein condensate

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Q: What is called the phase of matter that only exist near absolute zero?
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Any of the forms matter can exist in is what is called a?

state or phase

What phase of matter has particles that do not move?

There is no phase of matter that has particles that do not move UNLESS the material is a SOLID at a temperature of ABSOLUTE ZERO.

What phase of matter do most elements exist at room temperature?


What is it called to change states of matter?

Phase change. Liquid phase to gaseous phase (evaporation) Liquid phase to solid phase (solidification, freezing) Solid phase to gaseous phase (sublimation9 Etc...

What phase of matter does carbon exist in at room temperature?

Carbon at room temperature is solid.

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What phase of matter does indium exist in?

Indium can be solid, liquid or gas. At room temperature, indium is a solid.

What is matter passes from a solid to a gas without pasing through a liquid phase?

This change of phase is called sublimation.

Another word for state in science?

In science, another word for state may be phase. For instance a state of matter is also called a phase of matter.

What is the process of changing matter from a liquid to a solid is called?

This change of phase is called freezing.

Can water exist in the phase of a plasma?

yes it can. any state of matter when heated high enough can become plasma.

What phase of matter does non metals exist in at room temperature?

Solid, liquid or gas - it depends on the non-metal.