

What is carbon 13 mass number?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Carbon is a non metallic element. Mass number of it is 12.

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Q: What is carbon 13 mass number?
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What is the atomic mass number for radioisotope carbon 13?

um...13 Carbon 13 is not a radioisotope. It isn't radioactive. It's atomic number is 6 and atomic mass is 13 The exact mass is 13.003355 according to atomic mass of carbon 13 is 13.0033548378

A common isotope of carbon has a mass number of 13 The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus is?

13. The mass number is always the total number of protons and neutrons.

How many neutron will carbon have if the mass number is 13?


How many neutrons are in carbon 13?

well the mass number is actually 12. because the ATOMIC MASS is 12.011. and to find the mass number you must round the atomic mass to the nearest WHOLE NUMBER. 12.011 rrounded to its nearest whole number would be 12. and to find the number of neutrons you must subtract the ATOMIC NUMBER (which is 6) from its mass number. 12-6=6. so carbon has 6 neutrons. carbon also has 6 protons, as well as 6 electrons.

Is the number of carbon 14 isotopes much greater than the number of carbon 12 isotopesin a normal sample of carbon?

No. The only mass numbers of carbon isotopes that occur naturally are 12 and 13, and the number of atoms with mass number 12 is much greater than the number of atoms with mass number 13 in any carbon from natural sources. Carbon-14 exists at all only in carbon including man-made isotopes.

How many neutrons in C-13 in isotope?

Carbon 13 has 7 neutrons.The atomic mass represents the total number of protons and electrons. Carbon atoms have 6 protons. Therefore, the atomic mass being 13, it has 7 neutrons.

Carbon with a mass number of 14?

There are three isotopes of carbon with mass numbers 12 (which is more than 99% of existing carbon), 13, and 14 (which is radioactive).

What is the mass number of a carbon isotope that has seven neutrons?

Carbon-7 is a theoretical isotope that does not actually exist. But if it DID exist, it would have one neutron, because the mass number of any isotope = protons + neutrons, and all carbon atoms have 6 protons. Therefore C-7 would have 6 protons and one neutron.

How many protons are in an atom with atomic mass of 6 and mass number of 13?

The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. The mass number is equal to the total number of nucleons (both protons and neutrons). Therefore, there are 13 protons and neutrons, 6 of which are protons, leaving the remaining 7 to be neutrons. In short, 6 protons, 7 neutrons. You're referring to carbon-13, an uncommon isotope of carbon. Sharondenadel The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. The mass number is equal to the total number of nucleons (both protons and neutrons). Therefore, there are 13 protons and neutrons, 6 of which are protons, leaving the remaining 7 to be neutrons. In short, 6 protons, 7 neutrons. You're referring to carbon-13, an uncommon isotope of carbon. Sharondenadel

Mass number of carbon?

The atomic mass of elemental Carbon is 12.011. There are two stable isotopes with differing mass numbers: 12 (98,9%) and 13 (1,1%) and one semi-stable C isotope nr. 14 (half-life time 5730 yr.)

What is the nucleus symbol for carbon-13?

xxC, where the 'xx' is the mass number of the isotope, usually 12, 13 or 14. The 'C' simply means it is carbon.

Carbon has an atomic number of 6 how many protons and neutrons are in a nucleus of carbon 13?

12 - 6 = 6 neutrons; the number of neutrons in an isotope is always the mass number minus the atomic number.