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Cupric is used when copper is in a +2 oxidation state while cuprous is used when copper is in a +1 oxidation state.

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Q: What is difference between cupric and cuprous?
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Does cuprous oxide have a charge?

I think cuprous oxide has a charge of 1+, while cupric oxide has a charge of 2+. Cupric oxide is also more stable than cuprous oxide.

What is the reaction between cupric chloride and copper?

If you add Copper in Cupric Chloride at the time of reaction, it will turn into Cuprous Chloride. But it will again turn into Cupric Chloride if you continue the reaction. This is actually a Exo-Thermic reaction.

What is difference between cupric chloride and cuprus chloride?

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Which of the following is a properly written formula for a compound between copper and bromine?

CuBr - cuprous bromide or CuBr2 - cupric bromide

What Is the name of the compound formed form the chemical reaction between copper and oxygen?

Copper (II) oxide or cupric oxide: CuO.Copper (I) oxide or cuprous oxide: Cu2O.

What is the name for the compound Cu2O?

Copper (I) Oxide or Cuprous Oxide

What is the chemical formula for cuprous nitrate?

Actually, the answer Cu(NO3)2 is incorrect for cuprous nitrate. Cu(NO3)2 is in fact cupric nitrate. Cuprous nitrate is represented as CuNO3 alone.

What is cuprous nitrate?

Cuprous nitrtate is copper(I) nitrate. CuNO3. The copper is in oxidation state '1' The more usual form is cupric nitrate that is copper(II)nitrate. Cu(NO3)2 The copper is in oxidation state '2'. NB THe 'cuprous/cupric' comes the Latin name for copper , which is 'cuprum'.

Why cu2o and cuo are cuprous and cupric oxides respectively why not copper oxide?

These compounds can alternatively be named copper(I) and copper(II) oxides; these so-called "Stock system" names seem to be preferred by most current textbooks of chemistry over the designations cuprous and cupric.

Is Copper oxide a liquid?

No, it is either a red powder (cuprous oxide) or a black powder (cupric oxide)

What is the scientific name and symbol for copper?

Copper's scientific name is, Cuprum but also Cupremianticia and Cupremnictiyermumtica, but when describing the copper in a equation, you use cupric or cuprous. Use cupric when the oxidation of copper is +2 and cuprous when the oxidation is +1 The symbol for copper from the PTE (Periodic Table of Elements) is Cu

Chemical formula of cuprous oxalate?

Cu2O. Cuprous is Cu+, cupric is Cu2+. Those are old-school names. Copper(I) oxide is a better name.