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Drago s rule is :

For any Group in general,the formula for calculating the number of hybrid orbitals is group number of central element + no.of atoms sorrounding the central element(except oxygen)-charge on the central element(consider the charge including its sign) whole divided by 2.

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Q: What is drago rule in chemical bonding?
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Type of bonding between elements in a compound chemical-chemically is chemical bonding.

What does chemical bonding accomplish?

Chemical bonding accomplishes stability in atoms

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The chemical Bonding present is covalent bonding since nitrogen and hydrogen are non-metals

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The valance electrons of an element are involved in chemical bonding.

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The outer shell electrons of an atom are involved in chemical bonding

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London dispersion forces are the weakest type of chemical bonding.

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How is the valence electrons of an atom related to a chemical bonding?

The valence electrons are the only electrons that are involved in chemical bonding. These electrons can be shared or transferred. A simple rule of thumb is that atoms "strive" to attain the octet either by loss gain or sharing of electrons.

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This chemical bonding is called ionic bonding.

Which sub atomic particle are involved in chemical bonding?

Electors is the subatomic particle. This is what is the most involved in chemical bonding.