

What is improve functional capacity?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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That's a bit of a vague question, but here's an answer to what I think you are trying to ask:

Improved functional capacity is when your physical body can do more functionally than it had previously, usually improved by some means of strengthening or conditioning programs. Meaning, for example, before you started an exercise or strengthening program you could not unload the laundry without getting tired or getting some kind of pain. After you conditioned your body to withstand the physical motions of doing this activity, your "functional capacity" to unload the laundry has improved. Functional really just means that there is a purpose to the physical activity you are doing. Without "good" functional capacity, you really wouldn't be able to do many activities of daily living (ADLs).

When improved functional capacity is job-related, it is generally the same concept, but you may have improved your capacity to function on the job by some kind of return-to-work program like Work Hardening or Work Conditioning, usually at a Physical or Occupational Therapy clinic.

The dictionary says "functional" is: affecting physiological or psychological functions but not organic structure

(apologies, was not signed in when I posted the answer!)

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