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acid from the Orange Juice has high density compared to the ice cube

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Q: What is inside orange juice that makes the ice cube float longer?
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What is in the orange juice that can make the egg float?

The pulp of the orange give a high density to the juice and eggs float.

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Orange juice informationA description and a collection of drink recipes for orange juice, with it's origin, ingredients, alcohol content, and nutritional information like calories, carbohydrates and sugars. ... Orange juice is one of the most important ingredients (and the most important fruit juice) to have when making cocktails. To get the...

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Why doesn't orange juice evaporate?

Orange Juice will evaporate, but it will leave a residue. It is the water in the juice that evaporates and this evaporates the same as any other water exposed to the air.

Why does a peppermint dissolve in OJ?

because of the citric acid inside the orange juice

What causes the cap to pop off a bottle or orange juice?

the gas inside it

What does OJ mean?

Orange Juice orange juice

Does orange juice lose vitamin C?

A whole orange contains vitamin C and not just the inside of it. So when you make fruit juice and use only the inside part of the fruit, it is essentially not getting all the vitamin C out of the orange. And you don't always get all of the inside of the orange either, so there are bits and pieces that contain the vitamin that you won't get when making orange juice.

Why is orange juice called orange juice when its in fact yellow?

Because it's the juice from an orange which is in fact orange.