

What is n factor in terms of solution?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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āˆ™ 8y ago

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In cases of particular elements during reactions we see the change is their individual oxidation states.But if we have to calculate the equivalent weight of a species in a particular reaction,we have to find out the n factor for that particular species in the reaction.It is basically the overall exchange of electrons of a species per mole of that species in the reaction.

And 1 thing more,n factor can never be calculated for individual atoms.

For example:if we have to find out the equivalent weight of Fe2S3 in the reaction

Fe2S3 --> FeSO4 + SO2

First v balance the equation which gives

Fe2S3 + 502-->2FeSO4 +SO2

Then v find out the oxiadation states of S in d differsnt compounds cos v c that S is the only common element in all.In Fe2S3 The ox.state of s is -2.In FeS04 it's +6 n in SO2 it's +4.

So we c the net exchange of electrons per mole of Fe2S3 in d reaction is

2*(+6-(-2))+(4-(-2)) = (2*8)+6 =22

Therefore the n factor of Fe2S3 is 22.

So its equivalent weight will be Molecular weight/22.

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