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The nature of solute and solvent will determine the solubility. When they are alike, they dissolve easily. A good example is water and sugar.

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Q: What is nature of solute and solvent examples?
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A solute dissolves in a solvent.

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What is a solute and examples?

A solution contain a solute and a solvent; examples are brine, vodka and vinegar.

What is the best temperature to dissolve a solute in a solvent?

This depends on the nature of the solute and solvent. Excepting gases, increasing the temperature the solubility increase.

List three factors that determine the rate of formation of a solution?

- temperature - pressure - stirring - the granulation of the solute - the nature of the solvent - the addition of other substances - the volume of the solvent (and the ratio solute/solvent) - etc.

What are the affecting solubility?

the nature of the solute and solvent, temperature and pressure

How does nature of solute and solvent affects solubility?

Universal law of solubility is............"like dissolves like". So definitely nature of solute as well as solvent is going to effect solubility. A non polar solute will be definitely insoluble in a polar solvent and so on..........

What do you mean by solubility of solute in solvent?

the nature of the solte and solvent determines the attractive forces that exist between particles in solution

What explains their solutions properties?

This depends on the nature of solvent and solute, concentration of solute, temperature, etc.

What is the greatest amount of solute that a solvent can dissolve?

A solvent will only dissolve enough solute to reach its saturation point. Exact quantities are defined by the nature of the specific solvent ant solute, and the prevailing environmental conditions.

What are three factors that affect solubility?

(1) Temperature (2) Nature of solute or solvent (3) and Pressure.

A general statement on how the nature of the solute and the solvent affects solubility can be stated as?

the solubility of a solute is the maximum quantity of solute that can dissolve in a certain quantity of solvent or quantity of solution at a specified temperature.