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New substances formed in a chemical reaction are called products. These products have different chemical properties than the reactants that were originally present, and the reaction is often characterized by changes in physical properties such as color, temperature, or state.

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Q: What is new substances formed in a chemical reaction?
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Is a new substances must form is true about chemical reaction?

Yes, after a chemical reaction new substances are formed.

What is The new and different substances formed as a result of a chemical change?

The new substances formed as a result of a chemical change are called products. These products have different chemical properties compared to the reactants involved in the chemical reaction.

What new substances are formed during a chemical reaction?

During a chemical reaction, new substances called products are formed as a result of the rearrangement of atoms in the reactants. These products have different chemical properties from the original reactants, and the reaction may involve the breaking and forming of chemical bonds.

What is a substance formed in a chemical reaction?

a substance that is formed in a chemical reaction is called a product=)After a chemical reaction, new chemicals are formed. For an example:-NaOH + HCl = NaCl + HOH(H2O)Chemical substances are formed in chemical reactions.

When new substances are formed from existing substances during a chemical reaction they are known as?


What are reactant products?

reactants- the substances that take part in a chemical reactionproducts- the new substances formed after a chemical reaction

Are reactants products?

reactants- the substances that take part in a chemical reactionproducts- the new substances formed after a chemical reaction

The change that takes place when two or more substances interact to form new substances is called a reaction.?


New substances are always formed when matter undergoes?

a chemical reaction, where bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are formed resulting in the creation of new substances with different chemical properties.

What are the new substances formed in a chemical reaction?

The substance that is created is called a product.

What is a substance formed in a chemical reactions?

a substance that is formed in a chemical reaction is called a product=)After a chemical reaction, new chemicals are formed. For an example:-NaOH + HCl = NaCl + HOH(H2O)Chemical substances are formed in chemical reactions.

What is the process by which substance change into new substance?

The process by which substances change into new substances is called a chemical reaction. During a chemical reaction, bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are formed, resulting in the production of different substances with unique properties.