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It is an iron-based protein called hemoglobin.

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Hemoglobin (a complex iron-based protein) is responsible for the transport of oxygen in the blood.

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Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body.

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Q: What is responsible for the RBC's ability to transport oxygen and CO2?
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What is function of rbcs?

to transport oxygen all around the body.

Why are red blood cells the most frequently used blood component in a blood transfusion?

Red blood cells are the blood component most frequently used for transfusion. RBCs are the only cells in the body that transport oxygen. A transfusion of RBCs increases the amount of oxygen that can be carried to the tissues of the body.

What does a red blood cell do to work?

the primary function of red blood cells is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body. RBCs contain a protein called hemoglobin that actually carries the oxygen.

What is the function of the RBCs?

Red blood cells transport oxygen to the tissues in the body, and bring waste carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled. A Red Blood Cell Count is to check the number of red blood cells. Too high or too low can indicate a health problem.

Which type of transport is responsible for oxygen entering into the blood?

the answer to apex is passive.

In what location do the RBC shed the oxygen molecules?

The RBCs shed the oxygen molecules in the capillaries

What provides much of our oxygen?

Hemoglobin present inside the RBCs provides oxygen to the tissues when the RBCs reach them via the capillaries

What cell Carries Oxygen in Haemoglobin?

Red Blood Cells (RBCs) have hemoglobin. Hemoglobin picks up oxygen, like giving a piggy-back ride. The RBCs in the blood circulate throughout the body.

Notes on red blood cell?

Biconcave disk containg haemoglobin for the transport of oxygen. These cells have no nucleus or mitochondrion so as to ensure they do not use up the oxygen they carry instad they generate all their ATP through gycolysis. RBCs are mostly produced in the bone marrow.

How is the body constructed with the essential red blood cell?

Red blood cells are the most abundant cells in human blood. Their primary function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body. In men, there are an average of 5 million RBCs per cubic millimeter and in women there are an average of 4 million RBCs per cubic millimeter.

Which anemia is characterized by bone marrow that produces large abnormal red blood cells with a reduced capacity to carry oxygen?

Sickle cell anemia produces sickle-shaped RBCs that reduce the ability to carry as well as exchange oxygen with tissues.

What does the shape biconcave help in red blood cells other then helping to transport more oxygen in the body?

It also allows them to be somewhat flexible which permits them to squeeze through vessels that have slightly smaller diameters than the RBCs themselves.