

What is shell hole?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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A hole made by a shell bomb.

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Waldo Ledner

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2y ago
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Q: What is shell hole?
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What is a shell hole?

A hole made by a shell bomb.

What is a shell hole in World War 1?

Remember when a hole is made after a bomb/charge was exploded?That is a shell hole. In WW1 they had such charges to make such shell holes.They mostly used the charges to blow up enemeis in trenches.One biggest shell hole that I saw was HUGE! Heres the

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The hole in the shell is generally termed the air vent.

Do the shell get bigger when the chick in side does?

No, an egg shell will not expand as the chick grows, once the chick has 'outgrown' its shell it starts to chip a small hole in the shell, then begins to break out into its new world.

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shelled protozoans.

Can you rip a turtle's shell off?

Only if you're a total a$$hole.

Can you poke a hole in a shell with a needle?

It is possible, you just have to be VERY careful.

How does the chick get out of the egg?

An unhatched hick develops a hard 'shell tooth' by the time it is ready to hatch and uses it to tap against the inside of the shell until it makes a small hole. The chick then pecks at the edges of the hole to enlarge it until the opening is large enough for it to escape from the shell.

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How do you get a hole in one on The real Gilligan's Island 6?

a sea shell on a stick

When can you tell eggs are about to hatch?

Sometimes, they will begin peeping in the shell - they will often times also roll around, and they will begin to pip - or make a hole in the shell.

How would you wire a seashell to include in a floral arrangement?

You need a small drill to make a hole in the seashell. I find that a Dremmel tool is easiest to work with. Other options are to use a superglue to attach the wire to the backside of the shell. Decide how the shell will fit into your arrangement, then mark the opposite face of the shell to put the wire into. Drill slowly into the shell at the mark and insert the wire into the hole that you made. Twist the wire gently to secure the shell and to not damage a delicate shell. Insert into the arrangement.