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This particle from the atom is the electron.

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Q: What is subatomic particle in an atom has a negative electrical change?
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What is the subatomic particle with a neutral or no change?

The subatomic particle that has no charge is a neutron.

The Subatomic particle of an atom with negative change?

that would be an electron, protrons are positive and nutrons you guessed it neutral

What is a neutral subatomic particle in an atoms nucleus that has a mass nearly equal to a protons and no change?


What is a particle with a negative change?

Electron...but that's for a cell

Which subatomic particle causes the masses to be different?

Every subatomic particle has mass, so every particle will cause a slight mass change. However, in an isotope, the mass change between the parent and daughter is caused by a change in the number of neutrons.

When is energy converted to mass?

One instance, when a particle is accelerated with sufficient kinetic energy, that energy can change into mass in the form of subatomic particles.

What are the changes on each subatomic particle?

Do you mean Charges? There is the Proton which has a positive or + charge. An electron which has a negative or - charge. And a nuetron that has no charge. There are other sub-subatomic particles i don't think they have charges though.... not sure on that one.

Why subatomic particles are called fundamental particles?

A positron is a fundamental particle because it does not consist of smaller particles, which would make it a composite particle. Fundamental particles can still decay or change identity however, but they have no (at least at this point) discernible internal structure. A proton on the other hand is a composite particle; it has an internal structure and consists of a mixture of gluons and quarks (which both are fundamental particles).

What is proton or atomic number?

A proton is a subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom. Protons have a positive electric charge. The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of one of its atoms. Therefore, if you change the number of protons in an atom, you change the element.

These subatomic particles have a positive change?


Which subatomic particles can't change?

All subatomic particles may suffer changes (if you think to "changes", not to "charges").

What particle property changes with change in temperature?

A change in temperature leads to a change in the kinetic energy of the atoms in the particle.