

What is the 33rd amendment?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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The 33rd Amendment (1950) to the United States Constitution served to limit the American presidency to two terms. This came in large response to Franklin Delano Roosevelt unprecedented time in office. It was premised on the fear of preventing a dictatorial presidency that could in theory never step down.

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Q: What is the 33rd amendment?
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What is the 33rd state?

The 33rd state admitted to the Union was Oregon.

Is sulfur in organic fertilizer?

Yes, elemental sulfur, sometimes called "flowers of sulfur", is an acceptable organic soil amendment under the U.S. National Organic Program (NOP) guidelines. It's used to reduce soil pH, which makes phosphorous, iron, zinc, and other minerals more available to plants. Sulfur works by increasing populations of Thiobacillus bacteria in the soil. The bacteria multiply to break down the sulfur and release dilute sulfuric acid into the soil, lowering its pH. Because it requires bacteria to break it down, the sulfur needs to be mixed into the soil, so it's in contact with the bacteria. If it's not mixed in, you'll have strongly acidic areas around blobs of sulfur near the surface, and no effect elsewhere in the soil Sulfur only works in warm (summer) soil temperatures, and it takes 1-3 months to have an effect, so it's not a quick-fix.

What is a significant digit?

Significant figures are a way of maintaining the precision of a measured value throughout a calculation. It can be a confusing concept, so I'll use an example to explain. Say you have glass filled with soda and you want to know how much the soda weighs but you don't have a scale. However you do know that you have 355mL of soda and that it has a density of 1.23g/mL (why you would know this, I have no idea but just go with it anway). The calculation to determine the weight is: 355mL x 1.23g/mL Now if you type this into a calculator, it would tell you that you have 436.65g of soda. However using proper significant figures, you would round that number to 437g of soda. Why? Because you knew both the volume and the density of the soda to only 3 significant figures (3 digits). In reality there may have been 355.102mL or 354.981564mL of soda but based on the measurement "355mL" we can only say that we know the volume of the soda to the nearest milliliter. The same argument can be said for the density. There are many rules to what counts as a significant figure and how they should be used. If you are curious, the websites below should help you out.

Why does pornography exist?

People like sex. And no matter what it is about people will write about it, make drawings, paintings and movies, even statues of it. As a result of the way normal, healthy people are built, they become sexually excited when they see a sexual act.(Except where moral or religious teachings indicate that there is something inherently wrong with seeing sexual acts.)Sexual Excitement and VoyeurismSex, as an experience common to all humans, is physically and emotionally pleasurable. However, all individuals do not experience as much sexual activity as they would like, or of the types they would want. So pornography allows them to vicariously, or voyeuristically, experience sexual images and activities. This is often accompanied by masturbation, as is computer-connected sex or phone sex.The attraction of pornography has led to its manufacture and dissemination, and the internet has become the predominant media for its viewing and sale. Ironically, the internet has also led to wider promotion of sexual materials than was previously available, which adversely impacted many commercial suppliers. An ever-larger market has created an ever-larger supply and will provide less profit for any individual enterprise. Traditional magazines (and phone sex sellers) have experienced a dramatic reduction in their business as a result of the internet.Despite attempts at regulation and some restrictive laws, most pornography has found protection under the First Amendment freedoms of speech and of the press. The few exceptions that are still vigorously prosecuted are pornography using minors (kiddie porn) and snuff (real death/murder porn).Porn exist for many reason. People make porn just for the money and people watch it just for fun.

How can lithium be used?

Lithium is used to treat people who are suffering from bipolar disorder. While lithium cannot cure the disease, it eases the symptoms. It is also used to fuel torpedos, where blocks of lithium are melted by electric sparks before reacting with sulphur hexafluoride to produce heat. Lithium is used to make many different types of batteries, ceramics, enamels, dyes, rubber products and glass including lenses for glasses and telescopes. It is also often used in compounds such as lithium hydride, which inflates many life boats and balloons, or lithium deuteride, which used in the explosively active part of H-bombs.