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The bond angle in the linear molecule is 180 degrees.

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180 degrees

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Q: What is the bond angle in a linear molecule?
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What is the bond angle of the CS2 molecule?

180 degrees as it is linear

What is the bond angle in carbon dioxide Why?

Carbon dioxide have a linear molecule.

Which of the following molecules has a CCH bond angle of 180?

I don't know, I'd prob read my chem textbook and stop looking up answers online.

Does a linear have a bond angle of 120?

No, the bond angle for linear structure is 180 degrees.

The bond angle in a water molecule is?

The water molecule's bond angle is about 104.45 degrees.

What is the geometric shape of n2?

N2 is a linear molecule with a bond angle of 180 degrees. Since there are two atoms, this is the only shape a nitrogen molecule can have.

What formula represents a linear molecule?

A molecule whose atoms are arranged so that the bond angle between each is 180°; an example is carbon dioxide, CO2.

What is bond length and bond angle?

The bond length is equal to the linear distance between the nuclei of the bonding atoms. The bond angle is equal to the angle between any two consecutive bonds in a molecule or ion. Bond angles of molecules and ions are usually determined by using the VSEPR theory.

What is the bond angle for co2?

O=C=O is the structure and it is linear. So the bond angle is 180o

What is the bond angle for NO2?

134.3o. It is a bent molecule, but because of the additional electron pairs on the O atoms, the bond angle is deviated from 120o.

What is the Bond Angle Of Estradiol?

The question is nonsense. WHICH bond angle? There are many of them in a molecule the size of estradiol.

What is the bond angle of KrF2?

180 degrees and it is linear