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Q: What is the chemical change when a wax taper is lit?
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What is the physical change in a wax taper when ligting a firwork?

The change is that the firework is lit

What will happen if you light wax taper with fireworks?

The wax melts

What chemical change happens when you lite a firework with wax paper?

The fire is lit. And the parrafi/wax lights easily

What is wax taper?

A wax taper is a candle that is big at one end and gets smaller as you get to the other end. a wax taper can also be used to light other things.

When a wax taper is used to light a firework is it a chemical or physical change?

Phisical re action: when the wax turns to liquid when the liquid cools down it turns to solid which goes back to its own form again soryy i don't know the chemical reaction

When a candle is lit a pool of liquid wax formed in the area around the wick and then spills over the side and resolidifies is this a physical change or a chemical?

Solidification or freezing. Solidification. The wax solidifies.

What is the physical and chemical change that occurs when a birthday candle is lit on a cake?

There are multiple physical changes and chemical changes that occur when a candle burns. One physical change is that the candle melts back into liquid wax. One chemical change is flame burning on the wick.

Is burning wax a physical or chemical change?

Burning wax is a chemical change. If you are burning something, it will always be a chemical change.

Is melting wax physical property?

Melting candle wax is a chemical change. Why? Because when you cook or burn candle wax it melts so it is a chemical change.

Is candle wax melting physical property?

Melting candle wax is a chemical change. Why? Because when you cook or burn candle wax it melts so it is a chemical change.

Is candle wax melting chemical or physical change?

It is a physical change, from a solid to a liquid. The chemical composition of the wax remains unchanged.

Is melting wax an chemical change?

no because the wax will always stay the same. it is a physical change