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When beryl contains chromium, it exhibits a green coloration. This variety of beryl is known as emerald, one of the most valuable and sought-after gemstones.

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Q: What is the colour of the mineral beryl when it contains chromium?
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Are emeralds green?

Emerald are the green gem variety of the mineral beryl and are basically identical to other types of beryl except for their chromium content. The chromium gives emeralds their bright green color.

What type of mineral is an emerald?

Emerald is made of the mineral beryl, although it is a gemstone. It has trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium.

What mineral group is emerald in?

Emerald belongs to the beryl mineral group, which is a type of cyclosilicate. Beryl minerals are known for their vibrant green color, which is due to trace amounts of chromium and vanadium in their crystal structure.

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Beryllium is named after the mineral beryl, which is a type of gemstone that contains beryllium.

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Emeralds are a variety of the mineral beryl colored green by trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium.

What are elements beryl emeralds and aquamarine?

Beryl is a mineral composed of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. Emeralds are a variety of beryl that derive their green color from trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium. Aquamarine is another variety of beryl that displays a blue to green-blue color due to the presence of iron ions.

What variety of gemstone is an emerald?

Emerald is a green variety of beryl group where coloring element is chromium. A green variety of beryl without chromium, is not an emerald, is known as green beryl.

What is beryl's chemical formula?

Beryl is composed of beryllium, aluminium, silicon and oxygen. It usually also contains trace amounts of transition metals that are responsible for its color: emerald, for example, is a variety of beryl that contains chromium and/or vanadium in small quantities.

How was the name beryillium derived?

The name Beryllium is derived from the Greek word "beryllos," which means "beryl. "It comes form the mineral beryl, which contains beryllium.

What type of rock is an emerald?

Emerald is a form of the mineral beryl. It is typically found in metamorphic or igneous rocks, such as mica schist or granite. The green color of emerald comes from trace amounts of chromium or vanadium in the crystal structure.

Are emeralds a mineral or rock?

Emerald is the green variety of the mineral beryl, is the most famous and favored green gemstone. Pure beryl is white; emerald's green color is caused by chromium impurities. The majority of the worlds gem quality Emeralds come from the Muzo area of Colombia.

What is the formula of an emerald a gem stone?

Emerald is a form of the mineral beryl, which has the formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6 It gets its green color from trace amounts of vanadium and chromium.