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standardization of solution is the process used to determine the concentration of solution

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Q: What is the conclusion of preparing a standard solution?
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What is a standard solution?

Standard Solution is a solution that the concentration of which is accurately known

What is a non standard solution please answer definition?

is that solution that is just unlike standard solution .so if any solution dont have the standard property which is called the non standard solution the property of the standard solution is:-1.high purity is stable toward the air 3.available it means that in the lost cost.........

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ammonia solution is added during the preparation of EDTA solution to increase the rate of dissolution of its disodium salt.

Difference between primary standard solution and a secondary standard solution in acid-base titration?

primary standard solution is prepared by direct measurements of the mass of solute and the volume of solution.whereas, a secondary standard solution is a solution whose concentration can't be determined directly from weight of solute and volume of solution, the concentration must be determined by analysis of the solution itself.

What is a solution of known concentration called?

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What is another word for denouement?

solution, conclusion, end, upshot.

What is the standard method of preparing the fine and coarse aggregate?

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What is the difference between a conclusion and a solution?

The solution is when the problem is solved. It can be anywhere - many stories have more than one problem in the plot. The conclusion is when it is the end of the story and everything draws to a close.