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The container that you can boil water in is called a beaker.

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Q: What is the container called that boils water?
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How do you prepare distil water?

It is easy to prepare distilled water at home. Simply fill a large pot with water and place a collection container inside the pot. As the water boils, the steam is collected inside the collection container. This collected steam is distilled water and it should be stored in a sterile container.

How do you prepare distillation?

It is easy to prepare distilled water at home. Simply fill a large pot with water and place a collection container inside the pot. As the water boils, the steam is collected inside the collection container. This collected steam is distilled water and it should be stored in a sterile container.

What the scale called that water freezes and boils at?

Fahrenheit or Celsius.

What is the scientific process when water goes down when it boils?

This is called evaporation.

Why does water boil stop boiling and then boil again when instant coffee is added to microwaved water?

When the coffee molecules are poured into the container they block water vapor molecules from escaping. Boiling water turns the water to vapor which then excapes from the top of the container. When there is a coffee in there they actually block the escape of the water vapor or steam. The water boils again when it reaches a certain higher temperature so the water molecules can move fast enough to once again escape the container was steam. This is called Boiling Point Elevation.

What color does a container have to be for water to be heated as much as possible?

The colour of a container does not impact how hot water can be in it. Water boils at 100 C and the temperature rises no higher. Super hot water can only be produced in sealed high pressure vessels usually made of steel or similar material.

When water boils it will evaporate or turn into a gas what is the gas called?

This gas is formed from water vapors.

What is a canvas water container called?


Where does water go to when it boils?

when water boils it evaporates in to air

When water is in a container the surface of water is curved. this curve is called?


What water boils faster salt water vinegar water or fresh water?

saltwater boils the fastest

When water is in a container and the water is curved What is the curve called?

This is called the meniscus. The meniscus is caused by the high surface tension of water.