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the polar one is less stable than the non-polar one

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Q: What is the difference between a covalent bond that is polar and one that is not?
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What type of electronegativity difference exists between atoms in a covalent bond?

If the electronegativity difference between two atoms is less than 1.7, then a covalent bond is formed between the two atoms.

What term describes a covalent bond in which electrons are not shared equally?

A covalent bond in which the electrons are not shared equally is a polar covalent bond.

When is a polar covalent bond is formed between two atoms?

if two combining atoms have a difference of electronegativities between 0.5 and 1.7 then bond formed is a polar covalent bond.

How can the type of bond be predicted?

Ionic bond: the difference between electronegativities of the atoms is over 2.Covalent polar bond: the difference between electronegativities of the atoms is under 2.Covalent non-polar bond: the difference between electronegativities of the atoms is cca. zero

Is the bond between fluorine and chlorine nonpolar covalent?

The electronegativity of oxygen is 3.44 and for fluorine it is 3.98. The difference in electronegativities is 0.54, so the bond between fluorine and oxygen is polar covalent.

Is S and O ionic or covalent?

Polar covalent. The difference in electronegtivity is insufficient for an ionic bond

What is a polar covalent bond forms when two atoms?

A polar covalent bond is formed when the difference between electronegativities of two atoms is 0,4 to 1,7.

Is the term for a bond between two atoms that differ in electronegativity?

If there is a slight electronegativity difference, the bond is a nonpolar covalent bond. If there is a large electronegativity difference, it is an ionic bond. If the difference is somewhere between, it is a polar covalent bond.

Is SO2 non polar covalent polar covalent or ionic bond?

Polar covalent. The difference in electronegtivity is insufficient for an ionic bond

What does covalent mean?

It just means a non-polar bond. If the difference in electronegativity between the two elements is less than .5, then it is a pure (non-polar) covalent bond.

What type of bond will form between an atom of chlorine and bromine?

A bond between chlorine and bromine, Cl-Br, would be polar covalent.

How does the En of 2 atoms compare if the covalent bond between them is polar?

If by En you mean electronegativity, than in a polar covalent bond, the difference is 0.3 to 1.7.