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Distilled water is water that bean put through the process of distillation once. Triple distilled water is water that bean put through the process of distillation 3 times.

The only real difference between the two is in how likely they are to be 100% pure H2O water.

If you start with water that has a lot of impurities in it, for example sea water, you will no doubt have to distil it repeatedly to make it is 100% free of its impurities.

If you start with water that has less impurities, for example bottled water, you may get away with distilling it just once depending on how efficient your distiller is.

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14y ago

Distilled water - water that is recovered (condensed) overhead of a boiling source of water generally at low pressure (near atmospheric)esentially nearly all minerals remain behind in the pot and only very pure water goes overhead. double distilled water- due to the fact that the boiling water can have a very small amount of carry-over of the water contained in the boiling pot in a very fine mist rather than a pure water gas .. a second distillation can further improve the qulaity of water going overhead and condensed.

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The double distilled water can be bought at the retail shops and supermarkets. The double distilled water can also be bought in the chemists.

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