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With an ionic bond, one type of atom, a metal, donates one or more electrons to another type of atom, a nonmetal. With covalent bonding, atoms share electrons.

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Q: What is the difference between the electron arrangement of ionic bonds and covalent bond?
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What is the difference between covalent and coordinate covalent bond?

a coordinate covalent bond is formed by shearing of pair of electron in which one element work as DONNER and give to another element who works as ACCEPTOR and take one pair of electron to form coordinate covalent bond example NH4Cl a covalen bond is that in which mutual shearing of electron is done

What bond is formed with Nitrogen and chlorine?

Covalent. Nonpolar covalent. Nitrogen and chlorine have very similar electronegativities. Therefore the electron will be shared equally between them and the bond will be nonpolar covalent. The larger the difference between the electronegativities the more polar the bond.

What the difference between covalent and ionic bonds?

An ionic bond is in which one atom steals at least one electron from another atom in attempt to fill it's electron shell. A covalent bond is whose electrons are shared between atoms

Is bonding of four hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom ionic or covalent?

Covalent. The elctronegativity (the ability of an atom to attract electrons) difference between Hydrogen and Carbon is not enough that carbon will completely strip an electron from the hydrogen. Instead, the Carbon pulls on the shared electron just a little bit more than the hydrgen does, creating a covalent bond between them.

What is the difference between ionic and covalent bonding?

Ionic is when a negatively charged atom or group of atoms (anion) bonds with a positively charged atom or group of atoms (cation). Covalent bonding is when electron pairs are shared between atoms. Ionic bonds are generally much stronger than covalent bonds and are between a metal and a nonmetal while covalent bonds are between nonmetals.

What is the number of electron shared between 2 atoms forming a single covalent bond?

each atom in the covalent bond is donating 1 electron. so a single covalent bond is 2 electrons.

Why Cl2 has a nonpolar covalent bond while HCl has a polar covalent bond?

Their is no electronegativity difference between two atoms of chlorine, but there is a big enough difference between chlorine and hydrogen to have the electron of hydrogen spend more time in the orbital of chlorine than in the hydrogen orbital, thus this molecule is slightly charged on either end (+/-) and therefore polar covalent.

A covalent bond forms when an atom?

When two atoms share electron(s) between themselves in a covalent bond.

What prevent an element in a covalent compound from taking away another element valence electron?

This all has to do with the difference in electronegativity between the two atoms. The electronegativity is a measure of how strongly an atom attracts electrons. If they both attract electrons with about the same affinity (not a big difference in electronegativity), then you have a covalent bond, and they SHARE the electron(s) equally or almost equally.

What is the difference between the arrangement of electrons in sulfur and chlorine?

Chlorine has one more electron then sulfur, so it has 1 more electron in the outer shell, 1 more valence electron. Chlorine has 5 electrons in the outermost shell and sulfur has 4.

Is Hydrogen sulfide covalent or ionic?

It is covalent due to the small electronegativity difference between hydrogen and sulfur.

What is the difference between the arrangement of electron pairs and the shape of the molecules?

The shape of a molecule only describes the arrangement of bonds around a central atom. The arrangement of electron pairs describes how both the bonding and nonbonding electron pair are arranged. For example, in its molecular shape, a water molecule is describes as bent, with two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom. However, the arrangement of electron pairs around the oxygen atom is tetrahedral as there are two bonding pairs (shared with the hydrogen) and also two nonbonding pairs.