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its called a solute

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Q: What is the dissolved solid part of a solution?
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Related questions

What are the individual components of a solution?

The liquid part is the solvent, and the dissolved solid is the solute.

When a liquid is full up with dissolved solid then this is a solution?

A solution with all the solid it can hold dissolved in it is called a 'saturated' solution.

What part of a solution is dissolved is recovered when evaporation and crystallisation is used?

some solid solute.

What do you call part of a solution that was originally solid?

There are two parts to a solution. The solute and the solvent. The solute is dissolved into the solvent, so that indicates that the solute was once solid.

A solution that contains as much dissolved solid as it possibly can?

It is called a saturated solution. The actual amount of solid dissolved depends on the solid, the solvent (liquid) and the temperature.

What is an example of a solid solution?

The solid part of a solution is called a solute.

Is a solution just a solid dissolved in a liquid?

It can be a solid or a gas.

What is solution found at stores?

A solution is a solid dissolved in a liquid

A solution in which no more solid can be dissolved is referred to as?

A saturated solution.

What are four types of solution?

Saturated solution is the ideal type of solution. The other is unsaturated, which is less saturated than what the solvent (water, liquid etc.), and it can dilute. The last one is supersaturated which mean the solution contains more solute (solid materials).

What is a liquid with a solid dissolved in to it?

This is called a solution.

When the maximum amount of solid is dissolved in a solution what kind of solution is it?

A saturated solution