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If you know an object's weight, you can calculate its mass from the formula m = F/a where m is mass in kilograms and F is Force in newtons, and a is the acceleration (one can use the acceleration of Earth's gravity, which is 9.81 m/s2 ). The Kilogram is SI unit for mass. It is a unit that can be converted to a weight (any mass applied against a surface that is experiencing acceleration in the direction opposite the application of the mass object to the said surface), in USA. pounds (lbs) i.e. 1 lb = 2.2 kg, where it is understood that the kg in question is being accelerated. The Mass of an object, as such, can be measured equally in gravity here on earth, and in space where there is little gravity, by a horizontal spring balance, while the weight of said object varies depending upon which planet you are standing, using a vertical spring balance. The 'weight' of an object generates a Force against a surface, in an acceleration field, such as gravity. The kilogram is the measure of matter's mass. The mass standard is a simple cylinder of a specific volume, made of an alloy of platinum and iridium.

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12y ago
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14y ago

If you know how many protons and neutrons there is in the atom you add them up and youll get the atoms mass.

# of protons + # of neutrons = Atomic Mass

(the # of protons is the atomic number located on top of the element symbol on the Periodic Table)

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2mo ago

The mass number of an atom is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. The formula to calculate the mass number is: Mass number = number of protons + number of neutrons.

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11y ago

The Mass Number of an element is computed as the sum of proton and neutron.

Mass Number = no of protons + no of neutrons

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Which is usually the larger number the mass number of an element or the formula mass of a compound that contains the element?

The mass number of an element is typically smaller than the formula mass of a compound containing that element. The formula mass of a compound is the sum of the atomic masses of all the elements in the compound, which includes multiple atoms of different elements.

A salt crystal has a mass of 0.16 How many formula units does it contain?

To determine the number of formula units in a salt crystal, you need to know the molar mass of the salt. Once you know the molar mass, you can use it to calculate the number of moles present in the crystal, and then convert that to the number of formula units using Avogadro's number, which is 6.022 x 10^23 formula units/mol.

How does one determine a molecular formula from empirical formula?

molar mass over grams of elementThe above answer is somewhat correct. In order to find the molecular formula when given the empirical formula, you must first find the molar mass of the empirical formula.MOLAR MASS# atoms element A x Atomic Mass element A (Periodic Table) = mass A# atoms element B x atomic mass element B (periodic table) = mass B... etc.Add up all of the mass values found above and you have the molar mass.Then, after you have found the empirical formula's molar mass, you divide the molar mass of the molecular formula by the empirical formula's molar mass (solving for n).MOLECULAR FORMULA EQUATION: N (Empirical formula) (read as N times empirical formula) where:N = Molar mass substance---- Molar Mass emp. form.

The formula mass of neon is equal to its?

The formula mass of neon is equal to its atomic mass in atomic mass units (amu). This is because neon, like all elements, exists as individual atoms and its formula weight is the same as its atomic weight.

How many formula units are in 22.4 grams SnO2?

To find the number of formula units in 22.4 grams of SnO2, you first need to determine the molar mass of SnO2, which is 150.71 g/mol. Next, calculate the number of moles in 22.4 grams using the formula: moles = mass / molar mass. Then, use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23) to convert moles to formula units.

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You can use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force is equal to mass times acceleration (F=ma). Rearrange the formula to solve for mass: mass = force / acceleration. In this case, mass = 12N / 2.5 m/s^2 = 4.8 kg.

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density = mass/volume

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by having a bean balance or by solving through mass solution Marjorie Manalo

Where can you find a solution to problem solving number of moles in a given element?

Number of moles = Mass of the sample in g/Molar mass in g

What is molar mass a whole number multiple of?

Molar mass is a whole number multiple of the Empirical formula mass

What is the formula for atomic mass?

number of electrons

What is Formula for atomic mass?

number of electrons

How does on determine a molecular formula from the empirical formula?

molar mass over grams of elementThe above answer is somewhat correct. In order to find the molecular formula when given the empirical formula, you must first find the molar mass of the empirical formula.MOLAR MASS# atoms element A x Atomic Mass element A (Periodic Table) = mass A# atoms element B x atomic mass element B (periodic table) = mass B... etc.Add up all of the mass values found above and you have the molar mass.Then, after you have found the empirical formula's molar mass, you divide the molar mass of the molecular formula by the empirical formula's molar mass (solving for n).MOLECULAR FORMULA EQUATION: N (Empirical formula) (read as N times empirical formula) where:N = Molar mass substance---- Molar Mass emp. form.

Which is usually the larger number the mass number of an element or the formula mass of a compound that contains the element?

The mass number of an element is typically smaller than the formula mass of a compound containing that element. The formula mass of a compound is the sum of the atomic masses of all the elements in the compound, which includes multiple atoms of different elements.

What does the formula atomic mass minus the atomic number equal?

By subtracting the mass number and the atomic number, the number of neutrons can be calculated.

How do you determine empirical formula with compound elements?

molar mass over grams of elementThe above answer is somewhat correct. In order to find the molecular formula when given the empirical formula, you must first find the molar mass of the empirical formula.MOLAR MASS# atoms element A x Atomic Mass element A (Periodic Table) = mass A# atoms element B x atomic mass element B (periodic table) = mass B... etc.Add up all of the mass values found above and you have the molar mass.Then, after you have found the empirical formula's molar mass, you divide the molar mass of the molecular formula by the empirical formula's molar mass (solving for n).MOLECULAR FORMULA EQUATION: N (Empirical formula) (read as N times empirical formula) where:N = Molar mass substance---- Molar Mass emp. form.