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This depends on the procedure.

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Q: What is the formula of the solid residue remaining after evaporation?
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After evaporation a sold crystalline residue remain.

What is the rock salt made from the evaporation of sea water?

After the evaporation of sea water sodium chloride remain as a solid residue.

How is evaporation done in separating mixtures?

Evaporating the liquid the pure solid remain as residue.

When salt water evaporates the salt?

After water evaporation solid salt remain as a residue.

What is left behind when a solution is heated?

A solid insoluble residue remain after the evaporation of water.

What is the control if salted water is evaporated?

After the evaporation of a salted water salt remain as a solid residue.

How do you remove the water from a solution and then weight the remaining solid?

To remove the water from a solution and then weight the remaining solid, first evaporate the water from the solution by heating and then weigh the left over residue.

What do you call the solid product from evaporation?

Residue. Example: if you mix salt and water in a container, and then boil the water until is entirely evaporated, salt residue will remain on the walls of the container.

When a body of saltwater evaporates what two minerals are left behind?

After water evaporation sodium chloride (NaCl) remain as a solid residue.

What is solid residue?

Solid residue is what remains after a liquid evaporates.

What happen in the evaporating dish as water in thr beaker is being heated?

After the total evaporation of water a small solid residue can remain in the beaker.

How evaporation can be used to collect the solid residue from a heterogeneous solution?

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