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Functional groups help to determine how the molecule reacts. For instance, if a carbon chain has a large number of methyl groups, then you would know that the molecule would be hydrophobic and found in a hydrophobic environment.

On the other hand, if a carbon chain had a carboxyl group, then it would be found in a hydrophilic environment and would make the solution acidic.

In addition to determine what kind of solutions they would be found in, functional groups indicate what the molecule will react with and what it will bind to.

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2w ago

Functional groups are specific arrangements of atoms within a molecule that determine its reactivity and chemical properties. They play a crucial role in determining the functions of biological molecules, such as proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Understanding functional groups helps chemists predict how molecules will behave in chemical reactions and allows biologists to interpret the structure and function of biomolecules.

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9y ago

When a chemical compound is made its components give it very different properties. functional groups categorise de differences in structures to make it easier to predict the physical properties in a compound.

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11y ago

99.99% organic compounds are the compounds of Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. nitrogen and halogens but show different types of chemical properties the chemical properties depend upon the nature of functional group present in the compounds, so functional group determines the nature and properties of an organic compounds.

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13y ago

Functional groups influence the characteristics of the molecules they compose and the chemical reactions the molecules undergo

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10y ago

functional groups have their atoms bonded in a special orientation and this orientation helps functional groups to be directly involved in biological reactions in biological systems

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