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Q: What is the increment of change in a series of straight chain alkanes?
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Related questions

What are the 3 series in saturated hydrocarbons?

These 3 series of saturated hydrocarbon are: linear alkanes, branched alkanes, cycloalkanes.

Which series contains only substances with single covalent bonds?


Which is the ratio of carbon to hydrogen in this series of hydrocarbons as the number of carbons increases?

For alkanes the general chemical formula is CnH2n+2.

What are the main homologous series for organic compounds?

All the families of organic compounds exist as a homologous series (A series having a difference of 'CH2' unit between two consecutive members) the main homologous series-es are Alkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols and Carboxylic acids (Fatty acids).

Why does flammability of alkenes decrease?

the flammability of alkanes decreases as the hydrocarbon chains increase in length their evapouration rates decrease as longer chained molecules have higher boling points so temperatures must be high for them to evaporate therefore there is no fumes or vapours for longer chained alkanes at room temp like nonane and so on these hydrocarbons need higher temp to produce vapours n therefore will not burn with just a match

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Is the compound with the chemical formula C15H30 a member of the alkane series?

Alkanes have as general formula CnH2n+2 . C15H30 is therfore not an alkane it is an alkene (CnH2n) with one double bond.

Is the word propane a slang word or is profanity?

"Propane" is the name of the third hydrocarbon in the alkanes series and has the formula C3H8. I think perhaps you mean "profane"? Kung Fu Tzu

What is the next whole number after one hunred thousand in figures?

The series of whole numbers increment by 1, so the next whole number after 100,000 is 100,001

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What are cyclic and acyclic organic molecule?

An acyclic organic molecule is an open chain compound, for example alkanes and acyclic aliphatic compounds. A cyclic organic molecule is a molecule in which a series of atoms connect to form a loop or ring.

How do you form methane gas?

methane is the first (and most simple) of the homologous series known as alkanes. It can be formed many ways of which some are --> i) catalytic cracking --> in this process large alkanes are broken down into smaller simpler alkanes and alkenes (of which methane is one) ii) biogas/manure --> in the process of fermentation or anaerobic digestion of manure, about 50% to 75% of the gas released is Methane gas iii) fractional distillation of crude oil/petroleum --> methane is obtained in the top fraction in the fractional distillation of crude oil or petroleum.