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The specific heat of chromium at 25 0C is 23,35 J·mol−1·K−1.

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Q: What is the literature value for the specific heat fo chromium?
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Experimental errors would cause the experimental value of specific heat capacity to be higher than the standard value.

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Specific heat of water is 1 calory per gram .

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There are three metals that have this specific heat cast iron, chromium and iron. You have to check the physical characteristics of the metal you used in your lab to determine which out of the three is the correct one.

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The average value should be about 0.438

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This value is 27,665 J/mol.K.

The energy needed to melt or boil 1kg of a substance by 1C?

The value depends on the material being heated. This value is called the specific heat capacity, or just specific heat for short.

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