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Not sure if it's the main use, but the most common use I have come across is the reaction with osmium tetroxide, where periodic acid is used to cleave the bond between a 1-2 dihydroxy- compound, which is generated bye the reaction between an alkene and osmium tetroxide

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Q: What is the main purpose of periodic acid?
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What is the main purpose for the periodic table?

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How do you name the compound HIO4?

Periodic Acid. Pronounce Per - I-oh-dic. not periodic like the table of the elements.

How is the formula for periodic acid different from perchloric acid?

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The IUPAC name for nitric acid is "nitric acid." But its Periodic name is HNO3

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Periodic Acid

What is the reason for the calling periodic acid?

Periodic acid (HIO4) is hydrogen periodate. It is the acid of the periodate ion (IO4-). When naming an acid you look at the the name of the ion.If it ends in -ate, you take off the ending and add -ic acid(acetate -> acetic acid, periodate -> periodic acid)

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No, because vitamin C is a compound, not an element. The four main elements in ascorbic acid are carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen; these four elements are in the periodic table.

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