Red is a primary color. Violet is a secondary color resultant from mixing equal parts Red and Blue. If you combine the two you will get the tertiary color Red-purple (or Red-violet).
When blue is mixed with violet, the resultant color is usually a shade of blue-violet or indigo. The exact shade will depend on the proportions of blue and violet in the mixture.
When red and blue are mixed together, they create the color purple.
When the colors red and blue are mixed they make purple.
You mix blue with red to get purple. Blue is a primary color, and when mixed with red, which is also a primary color, it creates the secondary color purple.
Red is a primary color. Violet is a secondary color resultant from mixing equal parts Red and Blue. If you combine the two you will get the tertiary color Red-purple (or Red-violet).
When blue is mixed with violet, the resultant color is usually a shade of blue-violet or indigo. The exact shade will depend on the proportions of blue and violet in the mixture.
A dark red like crimson
When red and blue are mixed together, they create the color purple.
When the colors red and blue are mixed they make purple.
When red is mixed with blue, the resulting color is purple. This is because red and blue are primary colors that combine to create a secondary color.
You mix blue with red to get purple. Blue is a primary color, and when mixed with red, which is also a primary color, it creates the secondary color purple.
red and blue equals purple.
Blue and red make purple when mixed together.
You would get a grey. Red and yellow make orange and blue is the opposite of orange which if mixed with it will grey it down. The white will lighten the greyed mixture.
Red and blue mixed together make the color purple.